Friday, July 29, 2011


So we have a climber! Olivia climbs all the steps to our third floor all by herself now!!! Can't believe how quickly she is growing and learning. I predict we will have a walker on our hands in 4 weeks...just saying..
She has become such a hugger! She loves to give hugs and wave "Bye-Bye", give "High 5's", and play Peek-a-Boo behind the curtains in the living room. We are gearing up for our Beach Week with my family in a week and I can't wait to see her play with her cousins Grayson and Emory! It is going to be so much fun...will she eat the sand?? We'll see....;-))))

Olivia "Walking"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

9 Month Update

My oh my how time does fly! I can't believe how quickly we've made it to 9 months! Olivia is growing up so fast and she is so smart! (I'm not biased right?) Here is what our sweet girl is up to now:
Crawling, pulling up on things, saying "Dada" and "MaMa", loves to sing E-I-E-I-O, has one of her top two teeth coming through, waves bye-bye and gives High 5's, loves to be tickled and wrestles with her daddy, her absolute favorite TV shows are Dinosaur Train, Clifford, and Barney; loves to eat anything on mommy's plate, chews on carrot sticks and apple wedges, loves Puffs and crunchy maple cinnamon sticks, favorite songs are "If you're happy and you know it"; "Old McDonald"; "I love you, you love me"; "ABC Song"; and "I'm a little teapot". She went to the doctor today for her 9 month check-up and she is 19lbs, 27 1/2" long, and in perfect health!!! Yay Olivia way to go!!!!!! We are loving her sweet outgoing personality and she is so much fun. We don't know what we did before this sweet girl joined our family ;-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Olivia 9 Months

4th of July Cutie

Blowing bubbles and eating popsicles! What a perfect summer day!

Cooking with mommy ;)))

Olivia 8 months

Look mom!!! I did it!!! I'm standing up!!!

Mommy's helper

Aunt Shana loves this little booger...and she LOVES her Aunt Shana!

Our sweet princess

The pool is WAY more fun wih my daddy ;-)

I love to splash!!!!

Olivia 7 Months

Olivia's Great Grandmother (MawMaw) and her Granddaddy ;)

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