Thursday, March 8, 2012

We've had a pretty busy week here in our house...We have been hitting the pavement visiting family and making sure Olivia gets to spend some quality time with those that aren't as conveniantly close as we'd like them to be. Sunday we visited with Livi's Granddaddy and had a great visit!! This was the best visit by far. She wandered all over the house by herself and gave her Granddaddy several hugs all on her own. I know it made his week! Max and I were thrilled to see how much she lights up his world. Tuesday I took Olivia to visit her Great-Grandmother who we call Mema. Mema made a special lunch for us girls and it included her famous "dressing" that we usually only get on Thanksgiving! Boy, oh boy, did we feel special. Olivia had 3 helpings! She loved playing out in the yard with the rocks and sticks and especially playing in the bird bath! Yesterday Livi's Great Aunt "B" came over for the day. We had a great time having a girls lunch and Olivia was so excited to show her "Aunt B" Dorothy! Aunt B and I have always been so close and it meant so much to me to see her spend some time with Olivia. We laughed and shared memories and had a blast! The little booger is at school this morning and will for sure be ready for a nap when she gets home! This week has been pretty busy so we plan to stay close to home this weekend and enjoy some family time with Max...he has had to work waaay late every night this week :-( Next week I have scheduled a visit with a group called The Music Class. Livi and I are going to observe a class on Tuesday and decide if it's something she'd like. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes!! I'm sure as much as she loves music it will be a success! Happy Weekend All!

1 comment:

  1. I Had such a great time with Jenn and Livi. You can really tell how much Jenn works with Livi she is so smart and laughed so much. What a joy to see.
    Love Aunt B
