Friday, January 21, 2011

Mommy and me

Olivia loves music! We were watching American Idol and as you can see she couldn't stop looking at the TV! HAHAHA ;-)

A daddy's love

Livi loves her daddy! She was getting tired so he picked her up and ....moments later she was sacked out! So sweet....

"Aunt Shana" days...

Every Monday my sister comes over and spends the day with us! Olivia loves her Aunt Shana! ...look forward to the days when we can take her shopping and to lunch for a "Girls Day Out".

Lunch with "Poppa"

Livi's first lunch date with her Poppa was so sweet! She loves her Poppa!! What a special day ;-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Olivia 3 Months

Her personality is really starting to show! She loves music, singing, whistling, and laughing! She really likes the ABC song. She loves getting her diaper changed on her changing table and cackles every time. It's so stinkin cute ;-)! She is sticking her tongue out alot now and loves to lick EVERYTHING!!!! She has figured out her hands and feet but not quite how to get them to do exactly what she wants at the same funny to watch her play!

Our first Christmas

This was our first "married" Christmas together..what a great one it was. And little Olivia was the perfect gift!

Christmas Eve 2010

This year my mom, sister, and brother came over Christmas Eve and stayed the night...little Livi had a great first Christmas! We watched Christmas Vacation and ate yummy appetizers. Santa came over night and left everyone some great gifts! On Christmas Day Olivia's Mimi and Poppa came over for brunch. It was wonderful to have all of our family together for her first Christmas!

First visit with Santa

She did great! No crying at all...of course she had no idea what was going on around her..can't wait to see how she reacts next year! This Santa was great...he looks so authentic.

Olivia 2 months

What a joy she is! Already 2 months...


Our little pumpkin's first cute in her costume ;-)

2 Weeks Old

Olivia's First Week

"Watching UGA football with my daddy"...only a week old and this is her 2nd game!!! Her first game was when she was only 2 hours old...breaking her in early ;-)


Olivia's Nursery

My mother-in-law made these window treatments! WOW! She did an amazing job! Thanks Mimi!

First day home

Welcome home little bit!

One proud mommy!

A love like no other...

Olivia Grace Torrence

Olivia arrived at 10:42 AM on Saturday October 16, 2010.
7lbs 8ozs
21 inches long
...and a head full of hair!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our World is about to change...

Olivia was almost here! This was the day Max and I checked into the hospital to get "the party started" ;-) Olivia made it clear pretty quickly she was the boss...she finally arrived two days (53 hours!) later! But she was worth the wait!