Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Meaning of Christmas

We are so grateful for such a wonderful celebration of family, friends, and life this past weekend! We truly enjoyed all the time we had to spend with family and Olivia was so excited, joyous, and loving ;) I know these holiday traditions will continue and become even more fun and meaningful as our family grows through the years. We wish all our wonderful family and friends a prosperous, healthy and Happy New Year~ Here's to 2012 and all it will bring!

My little chef....

We always go to Mimi and Poppa's house Christmas night for dinner and to open the gifts Santa leaves for the kids at their house...this year Santa left Olivia a kitchen!!!! Uh! Oh! I smell a little chef in the making!

Lots of love ;)

Olivia was spoiled ROTTEN with all the sweet gifts from her Aunt Shana, Grandaddy, Nana, and Mimi and Poppa!

Santa Claus Came!!!!

Santa Claus came to our house!...and our little Olivia LOVED her new toys!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gooo Dawgs! Woof Woof Woof!


We lost ;((( but had fun!
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Do I want bangs or should I let it grow out?

Aunt Shana trimmed Livi's bangs Monday and clipped this crazy baby hair off that she never seemed to shed. She hated it at first but we let her tire herself out a little and tried again...and SUCCESS! It looks great! Thanks Aunt Shana!
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Football and Christmas trees!


We dressed Olivia in her cute little UGA pillowcase dress her granddaddy bought her for her birthday and watched the SEC Championship game. I've been pretty surprised she hasn't tried to tear the tree down!!! She loves to stand there and look at all the ornaments ;-) I love this sweet pic of her!
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