Sunday, January 29, 2012
Feeding the ducks
We just love this park! Livi loves to swing and play on the toddler playground and then we go for a walk collecting sticks and pinecones and finish up by feeding the ducks...which I must say are the best fed ducks in north Georgia! Livi still doesn't quite understand that she is supposed to feed the bread to them...not eat it herself...LOL!
Running in my shoes :-)

We bought Olivia her first pair of tennis shoes last week and she loves them. We took her to the park yesterday and she was taking off running and having so much fun ;) What great weather we have had this winter season!
Off to school...
I couldn't resist taking a picture of Livi and her daddy before she left for school! She looked too cute in her outfit and boy oh boy does she look just like her daddy!
Yogurt with Poppa
Poppa came by and dropped off a cute table that Mimi picked up for Olivia...(which now sits in our living room and she loves to sit in her rocker and color at her table!)and took us for some yogurt too! Olivia is so proud that she can say more words now...she says "Poppa" and "MiiiiMiiii" all the time!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Rough week erased in one sweet moment ;)
This week Olivia has been a little out of sorts. I think she is having a really hard time with this last molar she's cutting and is possibly going through a growth spurt. Her energy level hasn't been as upbeat as usual and she's been a little whiny this week. I got stung by a yellow jacket on Tuesday and it's still HURTING!!! Today Livi had her "school day" and when I picked her up the teachers said she just wasn't herself today...didn't eat any of her lunch...and whined a lot. I layed her down for a nap when we got home and she went right down but after about 20 mins she woke up crying. After going in her room and picking her up and rocking her she fell right my arms..hasn't done that in months and months! I just sat there staring at her sweet, innocent, beautiful, loving face and held her for a while. I know these moments are going to come less frequently and no matter how much she and I are going to go through "rough" weeks these sweet moments make my job the best on the planet! Love being a mommy ;))
Saturday, January 21, 2012
15 Month Update
Livi went to the doctor Monday for her immunizations and 15 month check up. Here are her stats:
Weight: 23.2 lbs.
Height: 33 and 3/4" (oh yeah...we've got a supermodel on our hands!..or we'd be ok with a champion volleyball player!)
Head size: lets just say she has a big brain! ...LOL
Our new routine...
Well now that we have a little toddler on our hands my days are pretty busy and full of activities to keep Olivia entertained. Monday we are going to "Toddler Time" at our local library so that should be fun. Thursdays she is still in school which she loves and totally wears her out...yay for me! And we've starting going to the mall on Friday mornings so I can walk and then let her play in the play area. We usually get there before 9AM and it's us and bunch of senior citizens doing our "workout"! LOL...but she loves it because the lights and music are playing and she just brightens their day by waving and saying "HI" every time we pass someone. She is repeating everything now. Some of her favorite words are: UP!, shower (long story...), seat, Hi! (of course), Daddeeee (pronounced just like that!), and as of late NICE!. She says a ton more but these are just some the ones used most frequently. We are going through a fear of the bath tub lately. We have no idea how it happened or why..perhaps a bad dream, but now we have succeeded in getting her to shower with me..hopefully she'll outgrow it sooner than later. She is so much fun right now! I guess this is the cruel joke of it...hahaha...she's so sweet and fun now and then BOOM! she's probably going to wake up one day and in the "Terrible Two's" and I'm going to be like "ok..ok...joke's on me!". But until then...I'm going to dote and pronounce to the world how smart, sweet, and fun this little angel is!
Livi doing the worm
This little one LOVES to dance and listen to music! I had some music playing and the Party Rock song came on...(which she loves!) Check her out busting some old 80's moves out and doing the worm!!!!! I couldn't believe it~ SOOO FUNNY!
Playing at the mall
On Fridays I take Olivia to the mall so I can get my walking in before they open and so she can play at their indoor playground. She loves playing with the other kids and climbing on the plane and car. We have fun!
Family snow adventure
Max took us to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge TN last weekend for a day of adventure! We had so much fun..she didn't know what to think of the snow!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year!!!
Well...we survived the first year as new parents! Yay for us!!!! It was full of love, joy, challenges, rewards, and laughter along the way. We feel so blessed to have such a sweet and loving little girl :))) I'm sure this year will be full of a whole new set of adventures with our mobile toddler and I up for the challenge..haha I THINK!! Thanks to all of our friends and family who have been following our blog and we look forward to sharing the ups and downs of our crazy lives with you all in 2012! Cheers!!!
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