Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Monday's Craft Project

As I was cleaning the house today Olivia found her finger paints...how do you tell a toddler that she CAN'T paint and have fun?? (well..normally I could BUT since I was cleaning it was the perfect way to keep her busy!
Next Question...how do you keep a toddler from putting her fingers and feet IN the paint? Answer: You DON'T!
So instead of freaking out I let it go and let her have some fun..and FUN she had! We turned it into a craft project and talked about the colors green and blue and how those were the colors of the ocean. We talked about how pretty they were and we even used the brush to paint the bottom of her feet and did some foot prints (which I immediately cut out and hid so they could dry so I hope to use those for another project soon!)

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